Please Join Us to Pray for the Tindi People Group, An Unreached People
How could a soap opera open the door toward Jesus?! Ask Tadzh-utdin*, a young Tindi university student in the capital city of Dagestan in southern Russia. The Turkish soap opera—the most popular TV show in recent years in Dagestan—for some reason frequently has positive things to say about Martin Luther, the Protestant church reformer. This has opened the door for a Dagestani believer Alek* to share the gospel of grace with Tadzh-utdin. Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to reveal the forgiving grace of Jesus to Tadzh-utdin and his Tindi family and relatives.
The Tindi hail from the high mountains of extreme southwestern Dagestan. The central town of the Tindi people is picture-postcard famous throughout southern Russia. Its multi-tiered levels of homes and winding village streets command a dynamic view of surrounding snow-capped mountains. The distinct Tindi language is spoken in 14 villages in this mountainous region—with more than 10,000 Tindi total living in Dagestan.
Through the winding hilly streets of the town of Tindi, multiple mosques are visible in various quadrants of the settlement. The Tindi have followed Sunni Islam for many centuries, in conjunction with ancient nature worship of the sun, moon, and other created things. So far, the only spiritual hope for the Tindi has been by trying to do enough by Muslim laws or by trying to appease animistic spirits. How much simpler it would be to turn from sinfulness and receive the gift of grace freely offered through Jesus. *--names changed
PRAY that God’s Spirit will bring conviction of sin to Tadzh-utdin and the Tindi people—“for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, being forgiven as a gift through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus.”Romans 3:23-24 PRAY for weariness with futile religious striving, and for joy to break out over the marvelous grace of Jesus.

---Persistent Long-term Prayer per Matt.9:36-38 & Luke 18:1-8 According to Jesus, if we hope to see fruit against deeply entrenched strongholds of evil, we must be persistent in prayer over the long term, like this widow. Pray, as Jesus directed in Matthew 9, for Equipped & Sent Messengers
1 st , pray for the Father to send laborers—the right person at the right time into the right relationships.
---Respect-Honor-Love-Kindness in some setting of presence (as a student, cultural friend, ethnologist, linguist, invited role......) Luke 22:27; I.Cor.16:14 -- "Let all that you do be done in agape love." We pray for Isa’s (Christ’s) messengers to Love & Honor these peoples, showing Isa’s Redemptive Truth of Forgiveness and Reconciliation with the Almighty and one another; Honor over shame; Divine Love triumphs over fear.
2 nd , prayer for those laborers to find loving ways to be present long-term (Matt. 10:16).
---Watching-noticing where open doors of relationship (people of peace) are happening and entering into friendships within the culture-- Luke 10:2-7 John 5:19 Acts 16:13-15 As we think about each peoplegroup culture of the Caucasus as a large intertwined 'village,' we understand that in prayer and deep love, we are first of all to look and discern and connect with ‘a person of peace’ within the culture.
3 rd , praying the Lord will prepare and show His laborers the ‘person/people of peace’ in that cultural world.
---The representatives of grace can then walk thru these doors of real relationship into the rest of real relationships/real friendships that this will lead to----thru which the grace of Jesus can permeate this culture like leaven from within---Luke 10:2-7; Mt.13:33; John 6:44
4 th , praying that the Spirit of the Lord will break through to open-hearted people in the culture (II Chron.16:9, John 6:44); and that the laborers will notice and cooperate with the Lord in these breakthroughs to salvation.
Thanks for praying with us. |