Church News

Sharing the Journey

Greetings in the Name of our Savior Jesus Christ! I pray that you are doing well during these hot days of summer. I pray that since our last newsletter you have had a happy Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, and Father’s Day!

This morning, I was thinking about the song “My Jesus” by Anne Wilson. You have probably heard this song. The lyrics to the chorus are: He makes a way where there ain't no way. Rises up from an empty grave. Ain't no sinner that He can't save. Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus. His love is strong and His grace is free and the good news is I know that He can do for you what He's done for me. Let me tell you 'bout my Jesus, and let my Jesus change your life.

This song gives music and words to a notion that I have been repeating at every opportunity: we serve a God that “Still Can!” Folks, we serve a God that is still capable of the kind of miracles that we see in Scripture. For example, we serve a God who is still able to completely heal as He did the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5. We serve a God who is still able to save 3,000 souls like He did on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2. We serve a God who is still able to deliver from a (literal or figurative) burning fiery furnace like He did with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 3, just to cite a few.

A lot of people get discouraged and through that discouragement will be tempted (and sometimes fall to the temptation) to say things like, “Good luck getting 20 men here on Sunday morning.” Or “What good is it to have an online presence with worship?” Or one of my favorites, “I just don’t think it’s worth the trouble.”

Christian, we are not called to look at the world around us and bellyache about how nothing will happen. Better than that, it’s not our job or our calling to just give up when things seem hopeless. Instead, these are the times that we need to be giving God the glory and trusting Him through the “storm”, because we serve a God that “Still Can!”

One night the disciples were out in the boat on the sea; Jesus had gone to the mountain to pray (we could call this Jesus’ “prayer closet”). Suddenly, Scripture tells us that a great storm arose and then around 3AM on our clock, Jesus walked on the water toward the boat. You remember the story, the disciples were fearful, thinking they were seeing a ghost. Jesus says to them, “Don’t be afraid, it’s Me.” Peter called out to Jesus and said, “If it’s You, command me to get out of the boat and come to You.” Jesus says, “Come to Me.” Peter gets out of the boat and walks on the water to Jesus. But something significant happens: Peter takes his eyes off of Jesus, the fear takes hold, and Peter begins to sink. He cries out to Jesus, “Lord, save me!” Jesus catches him and says, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” Could it be that Jesus says the same thing to us when we take our eyes off of Him and begin to sink? Keep your eyes on Jesus; trust a God that “Still Can!”

God bless and keep you!
Phil. 4:13

Happy 4th of July!
Church Office will be closed Thursday, July 4th.

Sincere sympathy is extended to the family and friends of James Seay, who passed away on Monday, April 29, 2024. James was a humble servant of God, who always had a smile for everyone.

Heartfelt sympathy is extended to the family and friends of Joan Frith, who passed away on Monday, June 3, 2024. She was a dear sister in Christ and served several years ago with the Youth and Adult choirs.

The Church Council will meet Wednesday, July 3, at 5:30 p.m. Come prepared to plan events for the church calendar through December 2024. Those on the church council include: Pastor, Deacons Chairperson, Music Director, Stewardship Chairperson, Sunday School Director, WMU Director, and Youth Coordinating Chairperson. Other committee chairpersons are encouraged to attend if they have items to add to the calendar.

Hamburgers and Hot Dogs
On Sunday, July 28, we are celebrating Family and Friends Day. We will be grilling hotdogs and hamburgers after the worship service for lunch in the fellowship hall. Bring your loved ones, bring your neighbors, and bring your favorite side dish or dessert to go with the hotdogs/hamburgers provided by the church.

The next Business Meeting will be August 14th at 6:00 PM. A new slate of Officers, Teachers, and Committees will be presented for the church’s approval. The Nominating Committee is beginning to work and needs each member to consider where they can serve. God has certainly gifted everyone with something that they can do in His service. Prayerfully consider where you want to serve and be ready to let the committee know.

Saturday, August 24

Tuesday - July 23 – 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday - July 27– 6:30 p.m.

In July, the WMU of OLBC will be sponsoring a food pantry fundraiser to help support the Grace Network of MHC. Our items to donate in July are pasta, toilet paper, feminine products, and deodorant. Tracy Hinchcliff, director of Grace Network, states that they are seeing a 20% increase in their food needs. Of course, you can donate any non-perishable items, such as canned vegetables, soup, potato products, pancake mix, spaghetti sauce, or apple sauce. You can also make a monetary donation. Please have your items in by Sunday, July 21.

Thank you to everyone who donated to the WMU Missions Project for the Pregnancy Care Center in May. The church donated $730 to this effort.

Christmas Child Thank You
Thank you to those that came out to sort and begin packing our anticipated 60 Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. We still need several items to complete the shoeboxes. While you are shopping, please purchase a few of the following: Pencils, pens, glue sticks, rulers, calculators, composition books, crayons, colored pencils, markers, scissors, paint sets, toothbrushes, underwear, combs, hair brushes, hairbows, washcloths, tools, sewing kits, coloring books, jump ropes, yoyos, balls, matchbox cars.

Put This On Your Calendar
There are two WMUV events upcoming that may be of interest to you. Join us as we celebrate 150 years of women on mission in Virginia at CrossRoads on Saturday, September 7, 2024. The Ladies Getaway is Friday, November 1 through Saturday, November 2, 2024. Both events require advance registration. See Donna Winebarger for more information

The Wednesday evening service is NO LONGER tied to the notice of schools closing for inclement weather. The church office will send out an email IF there has been a decision to cancel Wednesday services or you can call the office or a deacon to verify the cancellation. For announcements concerning Sunday Morning Services, listen to B99 FM radio or watch TV Stations, WDBJ, Channel 7 or WSLS, Channel 10, for possible church cancellations.

OLBC is just one of over one hundred congregations and other groups that partner with Grace Network to help families in crisis in Martinsville and Henry County. “Grace Network strives to give short-term assistance and to help find long-term solutions.” Each month we can help needy families by giving nonperishable food items, toiletries, cleaning supplies, and paper products. Check out the church bulletin to see what OLBC has pledged to give. You can be a part of this ongoing mission when you donate to this worthy cause. Visit their website at to learn more.

Sharing the Love
Each week our folks are visiting friends throughout the community to let them know we love and care for them. Sometimes it is to sit and pray with someone suffering from injury or illness and unable to get out. At other times it's to get to know neighbors in the area and to introduce them to the ministries of Oak Level, if they do not have a church home of their own. In every instance it is another opportunity to go in the name of Jesus in order to be an ambassador of love. If you have never experienced the joy of visiting others or meeting new friends in this way, please know that you are more than welcome to join us. Visitation times are flexible according to your schedule, and there are plenty of folks that you already know who would be honored to go with you. Contact any deacon or the pastor for more information.

We publish our newsletter at Oak Level Baptist Church every two months. If you would like to have a copy, please feel free to download one of the newsletter PDF files.

July 2024 - August 2024 Newsletter (in PDF format)
May 2024 - June 2024 Newsletter (in PDF format)
March 2024 - April 2024 Newsletter (in PDF format)
November 2023 - December 2023 Newsletter (in PDF format)
July 2023 - August 2023 Newsletter (in PDF format)
May 2023 - June 2023 Newsletter (in PDF format)
March 2023 - April 2023 Newsletter (in PDF format)
November 2022 - December 2022 Newsletter (in PDF format)
September 2022 - October 2022 Newsletter (in PDF format)
July 2022 - August 2022 Newsletter (in PDF format)
March 2022 - April 2022 Newsletter (in PDF format)
January 2022 - February 2022 Newsletter (in PDF format)
November 2021 - December 2021 Newsletter (in PDF format)
September 2021 - October 2021 Newsletter (in PDF format)
May 2021 - June 2021 Newsletter (in PDF format)
March 2021 - April 2021 Newsletter (in PDF format)
January 2021 - February 2021 Newsletter (in PDF format)
November 2020 - December 2020 Newsletter (in PDF format)
September 2020 - October 2020 Newsletter (in PDF format)
June 2020 - July 2020 Newsletter (in PDF format)
April 2020 - May 2020 Newsletter (in PDF format)
February 2020 - March 2020 Newsletter (in PDF format)

For older PDF newsletters, please click to visit our Archive page.


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